Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Socialist Sunday School - The welcoming and naming ceremony of a child

Socialist Sunday School
The welcoming and naming ceremony of a child

The Parents and immediate friends of the child should sit in the seats nearest the conductor of the service.
Instrumental music might be played at the beginning and end, but the selections should be somewhat short, and of a quieter order of music, as befitting the presence of the central figure of the ceremony, namely a small child.
(No solos should be sung)
1. Song sung by all the assembly
3. Conductor speaks:-
Neighbours, friends, and fellow citizens, we assembled here today in order to give loving and respectful greeting to the most beautiful symbol of humanity's progress and future – A little child.
The life of our race is three fold -- past, present and future. The past is, in truth, a living past.
The record revealed in history is the record of forefathers and foremothers who laboured and suffered, who struggled and hoped, and who have not vanished for ever. Their work remains in our civilisation. The very language we speak was given to us by our ancestors. To them we and our flesh and blood. We are the very spirit and heart of their existence and time, renewed in a generation which we call the present
In like manner we are the begetters and creators of the age yet to come. Is not that a reason – the best of all reasons – Why we should each contribute our service, each cooperate, and each try to improve both himself and the world?
We are architects of fate,
Working in these walls of time;
Some with massive deed and great,
Some with ornaments of rhyme.
Nothing useless is, or low,
Each thing in its place is best;
And what seems but idle show
Strengthens and supports the rest.
For the structure that we raise
Time is with materials filled;
Our todays and yesterday’s
Are the blocks with which we build
Build today, then, strong and sure,
With a firm hand and ample base;
And ascending and secure
Shall tomorrow find its place.
This child, brought here by its parents and kinsfolk and friends, is a representative of the morrow, of humanity’s capacity to pass from the old to the new, from the good to the better. We who are gathered about this child in affection, therefore do not merely regard it as a happy addition to a family, but above and beyond that, we salute it as an emblem of the hope, the faith, and forward looking courage of humanity at large.
We meet in this public manner in order to testify our conviction that every child born to all our race, of whatever nation or colour, should be honored as a new member of humanity. It has been nobody said is that “the whole succession of men during the ages should be considered as one man, ever living and ever learning”.
This child we looked upon as a cherished part of that one man of all the ages.
As spokesman of the community, I asked by what name you wish this child to be known.
(a parent or kinsman recite of the name or names, and hands the child to the conductor who says,
(while all the company stand)
On behalf of all this company present, and of society generally, I welcome this child (repeat full name) into the membership of the human family, and and express a heartfelt desire that its life may be blessed with health and joy, and they may render service, in a humble sphere or in the public sphere, to the social commonwealth, it’s fellowship, it’s order, and its progress.
(The child is handed back)
To you, parents and kinsfolk, I put the question before all this assembly:
Do you promise that, so far as in you lies, you will train this child, and cause them to be trained, for a career of self-respect and self-reverence and service to mankind?
(Parents etc : We promise)
3. Song:
"Hail to thee, hail to thee, child of humanity”, or any other suitable selection
(the company resumed their seats)
The joyous and homely ceremony we have just collectively performed should act as a reminder to us all of our relation and our duty to all the children born into human society, and especially in our immediate environment.
The Romans had a saying that “the greatest reverence is due to a child” it is our part not only to show love and good natured favour to children, but unfailing respect. With due allowance for the young soul's limitations and experience, we should , in effect, show as a genuine respect to a child as to an adult. Disrespect evinced towards these little ones is, at bottom, disrespect to the supreme humanity of which we are all the offspring.
Let us therefore honour the young and immature life by providing it with the best material comforts and aids, and the most efficient and humane education for which the city and the nation possesses the means. No social and civic energy and wit are so well laid out as the energy and wit applied to the training of the feeling, reason and character of our young citizens. Here and now, therefore, we combine the gladness of a welcome to discharge and young neighbour, with an acknowledged public and solemn obligation towards all there sisters and brothers in the community at large.
(the proceedings may close with instrumental music) F J Gould
The Ceremonial or ritual varied with each Sunday school
The platform was tastefully adorned with narcissus and tulips
