Daily Herald started as a life as a paper of the London print workers strike in 1911, it was revived by George Lansbury as a Labour Party newspaper and later by the TUC
A letter to the Daily Worker (A. Fitter ?? ) Leamington Daily Worker 10th May 1940 gives somer idea how the Daily Herald popularity spread in the early days
1915 I was working on engines for the first tanks in Coventry, I was
the only (Daily) Herald reader in the canteen, I was a target for cold potatoes and other scraps, then I bought two copies leaving
one on the table or in the bus or train and at the end of the year there were some dozens of
copies being read in the canteen passed around and looked at by ten
times as
many men. That experience is of value today. The more the millionaire press
raves against the Daily worker the keener readers be to secure a copy!