Frederick Henry Conway, 66 East Avenue, Hayes (Wood Worker) (E)
Robert John Leach, 1 Clarevillas, Clarendon Road, Hayes, (Engineer) (E)
Ernest Kirby Harding, Old Post Office, Station Road (Seedman/Corn dealer)
* Frederick Henry Conway and Robert John Leach for Labour are elected with increased majorities in East and South Ward, however W.W.Westacott slips in West ward beating Ernest Kirby Harding.
* In 1924 Labour lose control of Hayes UDC, for the first time since 1914 (ten years)
Mrs Sarah Ann Dubberley, 9 Waterloo Road, Uxbridge ( active Welfare & Maternity clinic)
Frank Price 37 Walford Road, Uxbridge (Sanitary Engineer and Captain Uxbridge FC)
John W Brooks, 40 Walford Road (Civil Servant) (prominent Uxbridge C & AC cyclist)
Joseph William Hart, Bungalow, Hawtree Road, (Civil Servant)
Harry Ashby, 63 Ernest Road, Yiewsley (Railway Clerk)
Samuel Thorn, 12 Horton Road, Yiewsley, (Assurance Agent)
Wilfred Roberts, 47 Otterfield Road, Yiewsley (Railway Clerk)
Sarah Rebecca Ludbrook, 23 Sumner Road, Harrow
*Sarah Rebecca Ludbrook (Labour) First woman of any Party to stand for Harrow Council
William Mapstone, 82 Montague Road, Slough
Miss Lilian Maud Whiley, 68 Albert Road, Slough (School Teacher)
Arthur John Frenchum 32 Gillint Road, Slough (Railway Time Keeper)
* Only Mapstone is elected for Labour the National Citizens Union is Labours opposition
Sydney Bleaney, 58 Graham Road, (Railway Carman)
Edward Joseph Hurley, 48 (or 18) Canning Road (Lithographic Printer)
* Local Wealdstone Labour Party establsihed 1924
* In 1924 Labour lost control of Hayes UDC for the first time since 1914 (ten years)
* Robert William Gunton stated that he first came to Hayes eleven years ago (1913) the roads were so bad that the Government stamp factory provided electric lanterns to staff to see their way to the station. He stated that one of the first things the first Labour Council had done in 1914 was to appoint a sanitary inspector to "compel landlords to put their houses in a proper state of repairs". Mr Gunton spoke with pride of the housing scheme and their acquisition of the town Hall (Barra Hall) and Park.
Gunton states "The Labour Party was generally associated by the reactionary press with high rates, well the rates in Hayes did not happen to have high rates, they were the lowest in West Middlesex, due possibly to having such large factories with a large ratable value"
It was reported that Mr R.W. Gunton was not standing as he was soon to move to Watford
"is an enterprising local tradesman, well known in Labour circles as the Vice President of Uxbridge Divisional Labour Party. Who came into the limelight in the debate at Hayes with Commander Burney Conservative MP on the laters public funding for Imperial airship scheme (Hayes Parish Hall, Novemeber 1923)
Robert John Leach was certainly one of the most prominent Labour Councillors during this period he stated that he had secured "£3 a week (minimum) wage and one weeks paid holiday"
Frederick Conway stated
"The Municipal Reform (Conservatives) were making an extra special attempt to obtain a majority on the council because they will never get another chance"......"If we (Labour) lose one seat we shall be on the wrong side of the hedge". However, it was noted that Municipal Reform had fallen out amongst themselves
Hayes Labour Party had been promised the support of Dr Somerville Hastings MP, who seems to have maintained close links with the Hayes Labour Party over many years
* The Labour Party stood on a platform of securing the Underground to Hayes, the other issue was a Labour Exchange in Hayes, presently young unemployed Hayes men had to travel to Uxbridge daily to sign on (Picture right Douglas Page)
Mr G.A. Manley was the Hayes Labour Party Chairman
John Brooks (Uxbridge Labour Party was active in the Uxbridge Cycling & Athletics Club, a Mr W. H. Gough being Secretary. The other Cycling club was the Western Road which meet at the De Burgh Arms where from 1924 it had a club room
In May 1924 Councillor Ambrose Simpson was elected Chairman of Hayes UDC he was a retired Acting Sargent in the Metropolitan Police, which he joined in 1890 retiring in 1915 having served 19 years in Southall and 5 years in Hayes