AESD trade union Banner London & Home Counties Including Middlesex, Surrey, Hertfordshire, Bedfordshire, Oxfordshire
AESD was established in Clydesude in 21st May 1913 158 West Regent Street, Glasgow by 50 draughtsmen headed by William Herd (Draughtsman at John Brown's Clydebank)
The London branch of the AESD was established towards the end of 1916, Mr J. J Winder became its first secretary and Mr Ernest H. Walker its first Chairman.
At the time the London branch not only included London but the whole of the Metropolitan area and most of South East England except Southampton.
In 1933 Mr J. Winder was elected Vice President of the AESD union and in 1934 AESD President In later life Winder retired to Chelsea.
Ernest Walker became the first London Divisional Chairman, Walker, It was Walker who moved at the 1918 AESD national conference a resolution (after vacating the Conference Chair) on the importance of AESD political action and affiliation to the Labour party, which while defeated, went on to affiliate to the TUC.
Ernest Walker was a convinced Socialist and had been an active member of the Social Democratic Federation (SDF) prior to WW1
Other key pionners in London included Alfred Glasspole, P. Hutchinson and R. Lappin all of whom later became Presidents of the AESD union.
It was Alf Glasspole who opended a discussion at the 1918 conference on the new Whitley negotiating machinery and his call for the rejection of the proposals secured 9,809 to 262
AESD strike at Middlesex Tool & Gauge Company, five week strike began 25th August 1953 settled 28th September 1953. secured nationwide support
R Silverthorne "our members were diffident at the outset of the strike action, carrying sandwich boards or walking on a picket line, but at the conclusion of the dispute they even acted as pickets for other trade unionists who were on strike, and took part in a demonstration to assist them"
Regional officer R.J. Silverthorne (Picture at the top is of strikers in front of Regional banner) Silverthorne was the brother of the famous International Brigade nurses and nursing leader Thora Silverthorne.
AESD sisiter union was the Draughtsmen's Association of Ontario (Canada) "The first organisation for draughtsmen in the Dominion. It was established late 1959 with 400 members
It was stated the Canadian union had similar benefits and democratic ideals as AESD was the ultimate goal. D. Wishart 1609 Dufferin Street, Toronto, Canada
Another important West London AESD member was Mike Cooley of Ealing, from Taum, Ireland dismissed from is employment in 1981. Tass branch chair he was a driving force in the famous Lucas (Aerospace) Plan was published in 1976
Ken Gill later General Secretary of the AESD laterknown as TASS, one of Britain's most progressive unions was also an activist in London from Edgware.
Trade Union banner of the Association of Engineering & Shipbuilding Draughtsmen (AESD), May day Glasgow 1949 AESD Established 21st May 1913, Clydeside, Glasgow, Scotland by William Herd
AESD OFFICERS 1949 No1 Scotland
AESD Regional Secretary T. Mc Lennan 224 Archerhill Road, Glasgow, Scotland
AESD Clyde Area Study Circle meetings at highland Insitute, Glasgow Chairman Mr T. McLennam key organiser Convenor Hugh McQuiston (21 years up to 1949) and treasurer Miss Annie Fitzsimons. Other officers Mr Alex, Finlay, Motherwell Branch and fergus Reid Glasgow South branch
The AESD was established on Wednesday 21st May 1913 at 158 West Regent Street, Glasgow, with William Herd (draughtsman at John Brown's shipyard) the key speaker.
The first Glasgow branch included James Young, George Thomson, Archie MacKellar and W. C. Keay
Young, Thomson and MacKellar became AESD union officals, W C Keay joined the association a few weeks after formation, the first member from outside shipbuilding. Keay became General secretary of the federation of professional Workers for nine years.
William Herd AESD died in the nineteen-twenties
George Thomson died in Birmingham on Thursday 7th July 1949; so passed on one of the outstanding personalities of the Association of Enginnering & Shipbuilding Draughtsmen (A.E.S.D)., and a man who had attained to the highest honour which the trade union movement can bestow, namely, president of the Trades Union Congress (TUC).
The outstanding characteristic of George Thomson was his integrity and honesty of purpose, a man who would always do what was right, irrespective of the possible personal con-sequences.He was a man it was an honour to count as a friend, and we were colleagues and close friends for over thirty years.
He was a native of Glasgow, Scotland educated at Allan Glen’s school in that city.He started his industrial career as a wood carver and modeller and he attended the Glasgow School of Art for two years under a bursary which he had won.He did not continue this vocation but switched to engineering, serving his apprenticeship with Ross & Duncan, a marine engineering firm.
His father, a chief engineer, was for some time in charge of a fleet of trawlers and. as a youngster George frequently sailed with the fishing fleet and there learned the difficult life which those engaged in the occupation have to undergo.Whether this experience was responsible for his change of occupation, I cannot say.Whilst serving his apprenticeship he attended classes at the Royal Technical College, Glasgow, gaining the diploma of the College, and on completion of his apprenticeship was for a considerable time in the Preston area employed as a draughtsman.He then returned to Glasgow where he became the leading boiler draughtsman with Barclay Curie & Co., and was so employed until he became full-time editor of TheDraughtsman in June, 1920.
His introduction to the socialist and Labour movement took place whilst he was attending the Glasgow School of Art.One of his two friends who were also attending the school had obtained some early socialist pamphlets and all three soon became interested and active members of the movement.Later, his two friends became Labour councillors in the city of Glasgow, while George subsequently became active in the industrial side of the movement.In his late ‘teens and early twenties he was active in the Clarion Scouts and was for a considerable period the general secretary of the Glasgow branch.
I first met George Thomson at an A.E.S.D. general meeting in 1916, when he played an active part in defeating a proposal to try to get the Association accepted as an approved society.It was not until a year later that I came into close contact with him.He, together with Peter Doig and Archie Mac-Kellar, came on to the executive committee of the Association in the early autumn of 1917, the E.C. at that time being drawn from the membership residing in and around Glasgow.It was then discovered that Doig and Thomson had been in the same class at Alien Glen’s.
During the 1914-1918 war, the New Age, under Orage, was advocating guild socialism and George Thomson, together with a number of other socialists in the west of Scotland, became interested.Later, three of them became responsible for the editorship of The Guildsman, a publication run by the Glasgow branch of the National Guilds League, which was an active organisation during and after the 1914-1918 war.His two colleagues were John Paton, a shop steward of the A.S.E., and. Edwin Muir, the well-known essayist, then a clerk in a Renfrew shipyard.His knowledge and activity in connection with this publication resulted in his being appointed towards the end of 1917, as the convener of the A.E.S.D.
Publications and Propaganda CommitteeIn1918, the Executive Committee decided to revive The Draughtsman, two issues of which had previously been published.George was appointed, honorary editor, with the undersigned in charge of the business side.The editorial committee consisted of George Thomson, Willie Herd (who has rightly been given the credit of forming the Association (AESD) ), D. Clark and the under-signed (James Young).Although politically. Herd and Thomson were poles apart, they became very firm friends.This, indeed, was another characteristic of George Thomson ;his ability to make firm friendships even with people with whom he was frequently in strenuousopposition.For two yearshe carried on the editorship of The Draughtsman, which was published every two months, whilst working as a draughtsman during the day.At the beginning of 1920 when I became assistant general secretary, George Thomson took over the complete responsibility for The Draughtsman.
In those days the paper was sold to the members and at the 1919, December, conference, when making my report on the business side of the paper I directed attention to the fact that if the paper was published monthly, it could easily support a full-time editor.This suggestion was seized on by the then general treasurer and at the next meeting of the Representative Council, held in the middle of 1920, conference decided that The Draughts-man should be issued monthly and George Thomson was offered the full-time editorship, which he accepted, and which he occupied with distinction until he retired about a year ago.
In the first Notes in The Draughtsman he stated. :—“We conceive the chief function of this journal to be that of acting as a weather cone to the Association to indicate to the best of our ability where the real storm centres are, to provide a platform of our own for the discussion of our own peculiar problems, and to assert the Association’s will forcibly and with what power of thought and language we can command.” A study of The Draughtsman during the thirty years he was responsible for its editorship will clearly demonstrate that he was faithful to the principles he set out in his first Notes.He received severe criticism from many quarters, some from the right and some from the left, but he continued to express the views which he personally considered were correct, irres-pective of the criticism of others.
His work in the Association is well known.Outside the Association he occupied many important posts in the trade union movement.He was elected to the General Council of the T.U.C. in 1935 and became chairman of. the General Council and presided over the 1947 Congress.His work during that year undoubtedly took a heavy toll on his physique.
He took a prominent part in the work of the National Federation of Professional Workers, and during his lifetime he was honorary secretary of the Science Advisory Committee of the Labour Party.He was elected chairman of the tech-nical section of the International Federation of Commercial, Clerical and Technical Employees and acted as the represen-tative of the T.U.C. at many conferences in connection with the InternationalLabourOrganisation (ILO) bothinEuropeand America.
During his career he had many tempting offers to leave the movement and undoubtedly he would have been a success in any sphere he chose to enter, but he felt that his rightful job was to serve the movement and the membership of the A.E.S.D. in particular.This he has done faithfully and the membership, both past and present, mourn the loss of one of the outstanding figures. thrown up from the drawing offices in this country.Our sympathy goes out to his wife and son at the present time.
James Young
The Draughtsman August 1949
1949 AESD Draughtsmen Union - Branches West London
Southall AESD J.F. Goodyer 9 Chatsworth Road, Yeading, Hayes
Acton AESD V. F. Colle 55 Muriel Street, Islington
Ealing AESD Miss D.E. Bareham 35 Northfield Avenue, West Ealing
Wembley North AESD D.W. Fairwater 80 uppingham Avenue, Stanmore
Wembley South F. Holmes 49 Chartley Avenue, Neasden NW2
London West AESD K.T. McKenzie 33 Cedar Road, London NW2
London West Central AESD R.H. Smith 424 London Road, West Croydon
London North West AESD C.S. Heiht 89 Vallance Road Bethnal Green E1
Slough AESD C.S. Brown "Bartletts" Wymers Wood Road, Burnham, Buckinghamshire
Southall AESD Draughtsmen union branch established 1948 (included members at AEC Southall)
Southall AESD Secretary J.F. Goodyer and Chairman Mr MaCullam
* AESD very active at Fairy Aviation but not sure if Southall or West London branch
Belfast North AESD Draughtsmen Union branch established a "Mixed Voice Choir" in Autumn 1949 and won remarkable sucess in its short period of existence, it won second place at the Belfast Musical festival and at Coleraine Musical Festival(Mr J Duncan - Secretary)
Nehemiah Lawson Shakespeare (known as Lawson Shakespeare) was a Labour Councillor on Hayes and Harlington Urban District Council for nineteen years from 1946.
He was Hayes & Harlington UDC Chairman of the Educatoion Committee, Chairman for several years of the Works Committee and was Chairman of the Council for the municipal year 1954-1955
LawsonShakespearehad held almost every office in the London West branch of his union, the Association of Enginnering & Shipbuilding Draughstmen - AESD (later DATA then TASS and now Unite). During the many years of his membership.He was also at one time a member of the Executive Committee of the A.E.S.D. and a member of its parliamentary panel.
He was appointment as a Justice of the Peace in 1955, serving on the Uxbridge magistrate for many years of public service.
He served 21 years on the Southern Elecricity Board consultation Committee and 16 years on Southall TechnicalCcollege governing committee, and was chairman for a period. He was also Chairman of the St Bernards Hospital Manangement Committee
In 1946 he was instramental in establishing the Hayes & Harlingston Community Association.
He retired from EMI in 1965 after working 36 years for the company as a design draughtsman
Councillor Shakespeare died in Febuary 1985 after a long illness at Hillingdon Hospital aged 86, leaving a wife Ethel Shakespeare and had two sons Raymond and Kenneth Shakespeare.
Nehemiah Lawson Shakespeare funeral was held at Breakespeare Crematorium, Ruislip, Middlesex.
AESD Secretary and Regional Council Delegate
Nehemiah Lawson Shakespeare, 30 Little Rd., Hayes, Middlesex.
President—H. L. Gearing, 51 Seymour Gdns., Ilford, Essex.
Vice-President—S. Y. Smith, “Wilby,” Lawn Ave., Garden City, West Drayton.
Asst Secretaries :
Subscriptions—W. B. Roberts, 2 Cranford Park Rd., Hayes, Middlesex.
Unemployment—V. Orloff, 56 Stuart Crescent, Hayes Rd., Hayes, Middlesex.
Treasurer—G. H. Russell, 16 Little Road, Hayes, Middlesex.
AESD - Association of Engininereering & Shipbuilding Draughtsmen
96 St Georges Square London SW1
Established 21st May 1913, Clydeside, Glasgow, Scotland by William Herd (draughtsman at John Brown's Shipyard) 158 West Regent Street, Glasgow
National AESD Membership 1938- 14,000
At the general meeting held on 13th December 1938 Mr. Stone in the chair, the following AESD officials for 1938 were elected :—
President—H. L. Gearing, 51 Seymour Gdns., Ilford, Essex.
Vice-President—S. Y. Smith, “Wilby,” Lawn Ave., Garden City, West Drayton.
Secretary and R.C. Delegate—Nehemiah Lawson Shakespeare, 30 Little Rd.,
Hayes, Middlesex.
Assistant Secretaries :Subscriptions—W. B. Roberts, 2 Cranford Park Rd., Hayes, Middlesex.
Unemployment—V. Orloff, 56 Stuart Crescent, Hayes Rd., Hayes, Middlesex.
Treasurer—G. H. Russell, 16 Little Road, Hayes, Middlesex.
Vacancy List and Magazine Secretary—L. Carne, 42 Drayton
Park Ave., West Drayton, Middlesex.
Minute Secretary—A. E. Ranger, 51 Derwent Drive; Uxbridge
Road, Middlesex.
C.M. for Isolated Members—S. E. Browning, 222 Botwell Lane, Hayes, Middlesex.
Delegate to No. 10 District Committee—W. B. Roberts
(address as above).
Delegate to L.A.T.C.—S. Y. Smith (address as above).
Auditors—J. Tucker, 31 Mount Road, Hayes, Middlesex.
P. H. Stone, 45 Wennington Rd., Rainham, Essex.
Social Organiser—J. Brett, 12 Colbrook Ave, Hayes, Middlesex.
The thanks of all members are due to the retiring officials.During the year the branch has continued to progress, due in large measure to the activities of the C.M.’s and to the consistent service of the branch officials.
It is with great regret that the resignations of Messrs. P. J. Thyer and C. W. Gander were accepted, they having served the Association as branch auditors for the last four years.One pleasing feature of the annual meeting was the readiness with which some of the members accepted office in place of the retiring officials.At last it appears that members are realising that in a democratic association like ours it is essential that all members should be prepared to pull their weight, and the branch council is hopeful that during the year a much livelier interest in the affairs of the Association will be shown by members generally.
During the year, 78 new members were enrolled, the total membership at the end of the year being 336 compared with 303 at the end of the year previous, but during the year there were a large number of transfers in and out of the branch.In October, a resolution expres-sing the horror and disgust of our members at the bombing and machine-gunning of Chinese non-combatants by the Japanese Air Force, and calling on the government to immediately call a world conference to discuss the abolition of aerial warfare, was sent to the prime minister, the local M.P. and the press.In November a smoking concert was held.
Mr. Peter Doig (AESD General Secretary) was in the chair and 96 people were present, including a number of non-members (some of whom have since been enrolled).It was a very enjoyable evening, the programme including bagpipe selections, songs, piano-accordion selections, some very clever patter and “interesting stories,” mono-logues, xylophone solos and community singing.The talent of our members was very much appreciated by everyone present.Since then, numerous requests have been received by the secretary for another such function, therefore another smoking concert is being arranged for March 7th.Office committees have been active during the year trying to shorten hours, get better lighting conditions, increase salaries, etc., and have met with some measure of success, but would have been much more successful if they could have relied on the wholehearted support of the members for whom they were acting.However,thereare signs thatmembersgenerallyare realising the unique opportunities that now prevail to improve their status.
The Draughtsman Organ of the AESD
Editor George W Thomson
March 1938 NOTE:
Most of the AESD branch members would have been employed at the Gramophone/EMI factory Hayes.
Nehemiah Lawson Shakespeare
A former magistrate and Labour chairman of the Hayes & Harlington Urban District Council has died in Hillingdon Hospital after a long illness.
Mr Nehemiah Lawson Shakespeare — who often used his second name, Lawson — died last week. He was 86.
MrLawson Shakespeare was a member of the former Haves and Harlington Urban district Council for 19 years. he was Chairman from 1954-1955
Mr Shakespeare became a Justice of the Peace in 1955 and for many years served as an Uxbridge magistrate.
He was also involved in several other committees and organisations.
In 1946 he founded the Hayes and Harlington Community Association.
Mr Shakespeare spent 21 years on the Southern Electricity Board consultation committee and 16 years as a member of the Southall Technical College governing committee.
He was also a former chairman of the St Bernard Hospital (Mental hospital) management committee.
Mr Shakespeare, of Little Road, Hayes, retired for Thorn EMI in 1965 after working for 36 years as a design draftsman (member of the DATA union). He is survived by his wife, Ethel, and two sons, Raymond and Kenneth.
His funeral was at Breakspeare Crematorium, Ruislip,
(Below recruitment poster AESD Oct 1937) AESD - Association of Engineering & Shipbuilding Draughtsmen
AESD February 1938
Secretary—W. H. ALLEN, 146 Burghead Drive, Glasgow, S.W.I.