Speaker Tells of Forthcoming Holocaust
The Sorry Plight
of Seven Million Jews
"It is calculated that something like seven million Jews have been reduced to abject misery by the War. I do not use the word degradation because a Jew does not lose his spiritual morale even if his world falls about him in ruins." of Seven Million Jews
Thus declares Mr Cyril Henriques M.Inst C.E. speaking at Uxbridge Rotary Club on Thursday 7th November 1941.
Mr Cyril Henriques "could not call to mind a single English statesman who had made any definite reference to the suffering of the Jews." "There seemed to be a conspiracy against it and he was forced to the conclusion that it was deliberate." Uxbridge
Advertiser & Gazette 14th November 1941
In September 1939 Conservative controlled Middlesex County Council banned a film about the treatment of Jewish people in Germany by a Russian film company from cinemas in the County because it would offend (Germany) "a friendly nation" - It should be recalled that large sections of the British establishment including the Daily Mail, Conservative Party Lords and MPs and some Royals were supportive of Nazi Germany and a number members of the secret pro Nazi,Clivden Set.
The Daily Worker stated on 26th May 1934
“In connection with the great anti-fascist demonstration which is being organised by the London District Committee of the Communist Party on 7th June 1934, when Mosley’s Blackshirts are holding a fascist rally at Olympia, the following are the arrangements. Marches will be organised from five different parts of London in the late afternoon, to arrive in Hammersmith Road, in the vicinity of Olympia, at 6.30pm.”.
At this Fascist Rally held in the heart of London, supported by sections of the "establishment", British Union of Fascist stewards brutally beat anti fascist hecklers, a turning point in the anti fascist struggle in Britain, Two years later the anti fascists would deliver a decisive blow at the famous Battle of Cable Street on Sunday 4 October 1936.