Monday, July 09, 2007


The second meeting of the Ealing and District Labour Representation Committee (LRC) held on Friday, the 3rd June 1904 at the Swift Assembly Rooms, Ealing Green, when eight unions and kindred organisations were represented. Deputations were appointed to interview unaffiliated societies.

LRC District Secretaries were appointed for Acton, Chiswick, Ealing, and Hanwell, (West Middlesex) with a view to preparing the way forf electoral work at coming elections. It was decided to meet on the first and third Fridays of each month. Gazette June 11th 1904

7th May 1904 next sunday Labour Representation Committee Sundsy afternoon demonstration against indentured chinese labour on Ealing common also to denounce taxation of the peoples food
march from Chiswick, Brentford and Hanwell continguents reach Ealing Common by 3.15
2.45 Old Hatter, West Ealing, march headed by Ealing town band

William Piggott
Honary Secretary Ealing & District Labour Representation Committee (LRC)