Tuesday, October 23, 2007

The Daily Worker

The Daily Worker (now Morning Star) first edition was printed on January 1st 1930 and the papers head office was at 41 Tabernacle Street, London

Today, The Morning Star i
the only English daily Socialist paper in the world was sold for many years on the Station Bridge, Hayes (daily) and later outside Sainsburys in Hayes town centre on a Saturday. The Daily Worker was also sold outside and inside many of the engineering factories.

At Fairey for example, copies would be placed on the bench of a supporter and workers would come along throughout the day to purchase a copy.

In Uxbridge the Daily Worker (Morning Star) was sold outside Uxbridge underground

Given the newspaper distribution companies refused to carry the Daily Worker. Supporter were forced to build an incredible and elaborate network to get the paper to supporter for the morning. This often required early starts to meet allotted trains and long bicycle rides to deliver to households and factories.

The Sunday Worker was started in 1925

Two Saily Worker staff members were killed during the Spanish Civil War, Ralph Fox and Walter "Tappy" Tapsell