Sunday, April 30, 2006
Councillor Anna Begitta Greenhead - First Chairwoman Hayes UDC
Saturday, April 29, 2006
National Unemployed Workers Movement - Hayes 1936

National Unemployed Workers Movement 1936 Hayes
Robert William Jones an active member of the National Unemployed Workers Movement, a wireless engineer living at 21 Acacia Avenue stood as a candidate in the 1936 Hayes Urban District Council.
The first NUWM candidate to stand locally
The unemployed in Hayes and Harlington
UDC area in October 1936 was 610 (419 men and 106 women by October 1937 it had doubled to 1,013 (633 men and 380 women)
The Squatters Movement for Housing Hillingdon1946
Fred Glitz, Communist worked at Bell Punch a AEU member (allegedly once a member of the black & tans in Ireland ?)
Hayes WEA 1946
A Hayes branch of the Workers Education Association was established in Hayes in 1946 under the leadership of Mr G. C. Clamp of 222 Station Road and Reg Neal a Yeading Teacher
Lancashire Hunger Strikers 1936
250 Lancashire hunger strikers part of a 2,000 contingent were meet in Uxbridge on the 17th day of their march by a welcoming committee organised by Hillingdon and Ickenham Co-Operative Guild they had made a banner with white letters and a red background and marched with them to Southall. the secretary of the welcoming Committee was Mr Hill of 123 Manor way.
later, Jarrow Hunger marchers were present at Hendon West and some of their number spoke to the boys at Harrow school
Blind Hunger March 1936
A contingent of blind people led by G.A. Costance from Swansea marched through Uxbridge, Middlesex in November 1936 to a rally in Hyde Park, to meet other contingents of Blind marchers from other parts of the country including Leeds and Manchester.
Mr G. A. Constance had been an ex elected Councilor for Middlesex County Council between 1928 and 1931 and done much for the blind while on the Council.
Southall Anti Fascism 1936
Hayes Labour vote 1964 -1986
Labour 50.1%
Hayes Labour Hall 1930 - Pump Lane
Soon after its opening, substantial alterations were made to the hall costing £200. these included painting the exterior, the two cloakrooms were built, a kitchen was built, a stage erected, and a partition built in order that two meetings could be held on the same evening.
Mr P Brown who presided over the official opening after the refurbishment in October 1930 He
Monday, April 24, 2006
Henry Palmer (Bricklayer) 1911-1913
Oak Cottages, High Road
Percy Osborne Langton (Clerk) 1912-1915
Juan Colonna Drenon (Bookseller) 1913-1917 (UDC Chair 1915)
Barra Hall, Wood End, Hayes
William Rawlings (Packing Case Maker) 1914-
(Chair 1919) 1 Sydney Villas,
Frederick V Mason (Machinist) 1914-1920
Robert William Gunton (Civil Servant) 1915 -1936
1 West Gate Villas, High Road, Hayes
F Woodard 1914 -1920
W. Herbert Rhodes (Painter) 1915-1919
Fredrick Henry Conway (Woodworker)
George Alfred. Manley (Sanitary Engineer) 1919-(Chair 1920)
6 the Parade, High Road
H. Booth 1917-1919
Launcelot Fowler 1919-
J.W Davies 1919 ???????
Robert John Leach (Engineer) 1920
1 Clare Villas,
Albert Edward Knight (Insurance Agent) 1920-
The Nursery,
Horace Sydney Greenhead (Engineer) 1920
Agricultural Workers Union in Middlesex 1872

in West Middlesex
Arch spoke for over one hour and recalled "These white slaves of England with the darkness all about them, like the children of Israel waiting for someone to lead them out of the land of Egypt"
On May 29th 1872 a meeting of sixty delegates from England and Wales at Leamington, Temperance Hall, Warwickshire to establish the National Union of Agricultural Labourers (NUAL)
The local Uxbridge newspaper reported that

One of those leading the union campaign locally was Uxbridge radical and former Chartist leader John Bedford Leno. he spoke on behalf of the union in many villages in the home counties including, Middlesex,
It was John Bedford Leno, who along with Robert Clay spoke at the inaugural meeting of the Denham branch of the National Union of Agricultural Workers when it was established on
In July 1872 John Bedford Leno spoke to agricultural workers in West Drayton
In January 1891 the Dock and Riverside Workers union reported that the position of the Dockers was seriously prejudicial by the great influx of into the metropolis of individuals from agricultural districts who, dissatisfied with conditions of life there or having no employment at all flock to London and are in due course at the dockyard gates ready to do the work at any price statement by Dock & Riverside.
Hayes Labour Party 1954
Labour Party General Management Committee
Mrs M Abbott Co-op Party
J.E Allsopp AEU Yeading Lane
I Anthony TGWU 1/212
M. E. J Armstrong League of Youth
Mrs L Armstrong Harlington Ward
J Barker ASW Hayes End
Mrs R. E Beard Womens Co-Op Guild Wood End
A.J.C Beck CAWU Hayes No:1
A.D Boness TGWU 1/212
Mrs Elsie E Broughton East Ward
R.C Came South Ward
Mrs I Carter Harlington Ward
P.C Carter Harlington Ward
W Carter TGWU 1/212
G. F Chaffer Hayes & Harlington Trades Council
W Chapman NUM &GW
G.C Clamp ETU Electronics No:2
E Clark East Ward
W Clark NUR Paddington
H Clarke NUSMW&B
F Conway NUM &GW
B.E Cooper AEU Yeading Lane
A.J Cummins East Ward
R.H Dixon ETU Hayes
S Drayton ETU Electronics No:2
Eric G Evans TGWU 1/690
R Evans TGWU 1/212
W.F Field AEU Hayes End
F.A Fordham NUSMW&B
H.M Fox AEU Hayes No:2
Ossie Garvin ASWCM Hayes
Mrs S Garvin South Ward
Simon Gelberg Harlington Ward
J.E Goff TGWU 1/690
E.H Hammond ASWCM Hayes
E. K Harding East Ward
M Hodgson ASW Hayes
W.G Hohl AEU Hayes No:3
T Hornby ASW Hayes
Hucknall Harlington mixed Guild
F Huish East Ward
R Hurle AEU Hayes No:3
J.C. Jeffrey ACT Technicolour
Mrs K.M. Johnson Harlington Ward
J Johnson Harlington Ward
F Jones ASW Hayes End
T. J Jones AEU Yeading Lane
L. F Jordan South Ward
H King Harlington Ward
T Latter West Ward
W. J Lipscombe AEU Hayes No:1
F. W Loft West Ward
Miss P Long League of Youth
H Mathews AEU No:1
J Millett West Ward
Mrs W Millett Co-op Party
W.C Mongor Labouur Council Group
F.E. Newton AEU No:2
E.G Nightingale ASLE&F
Mrs L Nightingale East Ward
J.O O’Farrell NUR Paddington No:2
J. W Ord AEU Hayes No:4
Mrs L.C Palmer West Ward
S.J Parmenter AEU Hayes No:2
F.W Passmore ASW Hayes
J.W Patterson AEU Harlington
E.C Perkins East Ward
Mrs J.B Perkins East Ward
C.A Peters AEU Hayes No:3
Mrs E.M Pink CAWU Hayes No:1
R Price TGWU/690
W Seeley AEU Hayes No:2
N.L Shakespeare AESD London West (DATA)
A.W Skelton NUR Paddington No:2
G Smith Harlington ward
L.G Smith NUM&GW
H Spencer AEU Hayes No:3
G Stevens ASLE&F
W Taylor South Ward
F Thompson West Ward
M.A Thompson AEU Hayes No:1
H Tovey Hayes & Harlington Trades Council
T Turnbull AEU Hayes No:3
G.S Warren AEU Hayes No:3
J Weeks NUR Southall
M.C Wheeler NASH&SP & D
Mrs M Whitmore TGWU 1/690
Mrs C. J Walters Womens Section
M Wilkinson League of Youth
J Woods TGWU 1/690
F.C Woods West Ward
Mrs M.M Woods West Ward
F Woolcock AEU Hayes No:1
A Wroth South Ward
T Abbott AEU Hayes End
J.E Allsopp AEU Yeading Lane
I Anthony TGWU 1/212 from Oct West Ward
M Armstrong League of Youth
Mrs L Arnold Harlington Ward
E Ayerst Co-op Party
Mrs Ayerst Harlington mixed Guild
J Barker ASW Hayes End
S Barsted CAWU
Mrs R. E Beard Womens Co-Op Guild Wood End
A.J.C Beck CAWU Hayes No:1
R.D Benford NUR Paddington No:2
A.D Boness TGWU 1/212
Mrs Elsie E Broughton Co-op Party
G Burton NUR Southall
R.C Came South Ward
Mrs I Carter Harlington Ward
P.C Carter Harlington Ward
W Chapman NUM &GW
G.C Clamp ETU Electronics No:2
E Clark East Ward
W Clark NUR Paddington
H Clarke NUSMW&B
F Conway NUM &GW
B.E Cooper AEU Yeading Lane
A.J Cummins East Ward
W Demyer Harlington Ward
R.H Dhon ETU Hayes
S Drayton ETU Electronics No:2
Eric G Evans TGWU 1/690
R Evans TGWU 1/212
W.F Field AEU Hayes End
H.M Fox AEU Hayes No:2
R.B Gardner Co-op Party
Ossie Garvin ASWCM Hayes
Mrs S Garvin South Ward
Simon Gelberg Harlington Ward
J.E Goff TGWU 1/690
E.H Hammond ASWCM Hayes
E. K Harding East Ward
J Harrison AEU Yeading lane
T.M Hill AEU Hayes No:2
W Hinton TGWU 1/690
W.G Hohl AEU Hayes No:3
W.J Hockings AEU Harlington
T Hornby ASW Hayes
F Huish East Ward
Mrs M Huish East Ward
R Hurle AEU Hayes No:3
Hutchinson West Ward
Jeffrey South Ward
Mrs K.M. Johnson Harlington Ward
J Johnson Harlington Ward
D Jones NUM&GW
F Jones ASW Hayes End
T. J Jones AEU Yeading Lane
H King Harlington Ward
T Latter West Ward
J Littleford NUM&GW
W. J Lipscombe AEU Hayes No:1
F. W Loft West Ward
Miss P Long League of Youth
J MacIntosh ACT
H Mathews AEU No:1
J Millett West Ward
Mrs W Millett London Co-op Society Political
W.C Mongor Labour Council Group
H.A Nappin Hayes & Southall Trades Council
F Newton AEU No:2
E.G Nightingale ASLE&F
Mrs L Nightingale East Ward
J.O O’Farrell NUR Paddington No:2
Mrs L.C Palmer West Ward
S.J Parmenter AEU Hayes No:2
F.W Passmore ASW Hayes
J.W Patterson AEU Harlington
B.T Perkins East Ward
E.C Perkins East Ward
G Perkins TGWU 1/212
Mrs J Perkins Women’s section
C.A Peters AEU Hayes No:3
George Philpot South Ward
Mrs E.M Pink CAWU Hayes No:1
Mrs J Potty CAWU
R Price TGWU/690
Mrs C Roberts ETU Electronics No:2
N.L Shakespeare AESD London West (DATA)
A Smith West Ward
A.H Smith Harlington Ward
L.G Smith NUM&GW
H Spencer AEU Hayes No:3
G Stevens ASLE&F
J Stoneman AEU Yeading Lane
W Taylor South Ward
F Thompson West Ward
M.A Thompson AEU Hayes No:1
W.C Trafford AEU No:6
T Turnbull AEU Hayes No:3
G.S Warren AEU Hayes No:3
J Weeks NUR Southall
M.C Wheeler NASH&SP & D
Mrs C. J Walters Womens Section
M Wilkinson East Ward (also League of Youth)
Mrs B Williams ETU Electronics No:2
E Wiltshire AEU Hayes No:2
J Woods TGWU 1/690
F.C Woods West Ward
Mrs M.M Woods West Ward
F Woolcock AEU Hayes No:1
R Wright AEU No:6
A Wroth South Ward