Wednesday, November 05, 2014
Friday, October 24, 2014
"HMS Black Prince" - The Thames Dreadnought
The first modern Dreadnought built on the Thames was in 1903
It gave its name to the Greenwich "Dreadnought seaman's" Hospital and Sylvia Pankhurst chose it as the name of her journal for the East London Federation
One trade unionist involved in the construction of the first Thames Dreadnought was Ernest "Ernie" W Cant, he recalled the successful campaign to stop wages being cut at the Thames Iron Works, in 1905, after the workers had completed the first "Dreadnought" battle ship "The Black Prince" (started in 1903 and completed late 1904) at Blackwall the other yard was at Canning Town. After its completion the Admiralty demanded that if the yards were to get more work, the workers pay had to be cut to that of those on the Tyneside shipbuilders. The campaign against wage cuts was led by Will Thorne and Jack Jones (SDF MP for Silvertown).
The Black Prince was launched on 8 November 1904 and sunk during the Battle of Jutland in May 1916 with the loss of her entire crew of 857.
The Thames Iron Works shipyard closed in 1911, but the works football team lived on however, when its players formed the basis for the new West Ham United team
The Thames Shipyards in 1902 and then 1910
It gave its name to the Greenwich "Dreadnought seaman's" Hospital and Sylvia Pankhurst chose it as the name of her journal for the East London Federation
One trade unionist involved in the construction of the first Thames Dreadnought was Ernest "Ernie" W Cant, he recalled the successful campaign to stop wages being cut at the Thames Iron Works, in 1905, after the workers had completed the first "Dreadnought" battle ship "The Black Prince" (started in 1903 and completed late 1904) at Blackwall the other yard was at Canning Town. After its completion the Admiralty demanded that if the yards were to get more work, the workers pay had to be cut to that of those on the Tyneside shipbuilders. The campaign against wage cuts was led by Will Thorne and Jack Jones (SDF MP for Silvertown).
The Black Prince was launched on 8 November 1904 and sunk during the Battle of Jutland in May 1916 with the loss of her entire crew of 857.
The Thames Iron Works shipyard closed in 1911, but the works football team lived on however, when its players formed the basis for the new West Ham United team
The Thames Shipyards in 1902 and then 1910
Thames Shipyards,
Will Thorne,
Tuesday, June 10, 2014
Franc Tireurs et Partisans (FTP) - À chacun son boche
Saturday, April 12, 2014
British Socialist Party 1914 Labour Affiliation

London - 13th April 1914
Chairman J. Stokes, London Trades Council
Mr Henry M. Hyndman was quoted as stating he
"now regretted that the Social Demomractic Federation, which had merged into the British Socialist Party had left the Labour Party years ago.
Their doing so had abandoned that party to the partisans of compromise and intrigue with the Liberals.
If the British Socialist Party now went into closer touch with the organised working class of this country, and thereby greatly increase its influence over them, they would go with the red flag flying"
Resolution on basic BSP principles
Moved by Henry Hyndman
Seconded Len Quelch
1) That a national system of free transport by rail and motor road should be set on foot forthwith
2) That the right of the nation to reclaim possession of its own land should be declared and acted upon
3) The cooperative production of land and in factories under the control of the community and local council be commenced at an early date, beginning with the organisation of unemployed labour the goods so produced being commonly distributed among the producers and thrown upon the competitive market for commodities
4) the destruction of the slums in our great cities be commenced immediately, the families of children to be displaced being provided with healthy homes in the country and taught agriculture in addition to their ordinary trades
The venue for the 1915 conference was put the the vote on a choice between Southampton, Cardiff, and Leeds - Leeds was successful.
Those in attendance included
John Maclean (Pollokshaw), Dan Irving, Lees (Lancashire) Peter Petroff (Kentish Town)
Source Glasgow Herald 14 April 1914
1914 London Building Workers Lock-Out
Early in 1914 London was gripped by a Lock-out of 30,000 Building workers, They were locked out by their employers federation "The Grand Master Builders Federation" because of a series of strikes for better pay the workers had undertaken in 1912-13 and the workers growing refusal to work with non union workers.
A large crowd of building labourers carrying a banner of the Builders & General Labourers Union attended the laying of the foundation stone of St Mark Church, Bathurst Gardens, Kensal Rise, Harlesden by Lady Hilda Mosley on Saturday afternoon.
Lady Mosley was booed and hooted by the building workers and the crowd sang the "Red Flag"
The dispute building workers remained solid and the dispute was not settled at the outbreak of the War in August 1914
Glasgow Herald 27 April 1914
A large crowd of building labourers carrying a banner of the Builders & General Labourers Union attended the laying of the foundation stone of St Mark Church, Bathurst Gardens, Kensal Rise, Harlesden by Lady Hilda Mosley on Saturday afternoon.
Lady Mosley was booed and hooted by the building workers and the crowd sang the "Red Flag"
The dispute building workers remained solid and the dispute was not settled at the outbreak of the War in August 1914
Glasgow Herald 27 April 1914
Sunday, April 06, 2014
Surrey County Council 1946 - Labour
James Chuter Ede was born in Epsom in 1882 he went on to be a teacher and active in the Nutional Union of Teachers. As a Liberal he was elected to Epsom Urban District Council in 1914 and appointed to Surrey County Council.
His experiences during the Great War turned him towards socialism and he stood as Labour candidate for Epsom in 1918. He was elected as Labour MP for Mitcham in a by-election in Mitcham in March 1923 but lost the seat at the General election. He later became MP for South shields and a Labour Cabinet Minister.
His wife Lillian Williams was born in Plymouth and was a Surrey County Council Councillor 1928-1937
James Chuter Ede is probably therefore one of the first Labour candidates in Surrey and certainly the first Labour MP elected in Surrey.
Click to enlarge pictures
Saturday, March 15, 2014
Workers Travel Association
The Workers Travel association was established in 1921 by Trade unions and the Co-operative Movement to offer organised, affordable overseas travel to working class people
Arthur Creech Jones (15 May 1891 – 23 October 1964)
Jones helped establish the WTA, In 1913, Jones helped to found the Camberwell Trades and Labour Council, and later became honorary Secretary of the Dulwich branch of the Independent Labour Party. Jones was involved with the ILP London wide after the outbreak of war; he had become a pacifist and organised anti- conscription meetings when conscription was introduced in 1916.
Heathrow Air Traffic Control
Chris Rogers CPSA rep at Air Traffic Control (Heathrow) and Mark Serwotka CPSA (now PCS) and GMB General Secretary John Edmonds
Miners Strike - Hayes Middx - Kent NUM
Sunday, March 09, 2014
Daily Herald Brass Band Championship 1946
Fairey Aviation Brass Band
(winners 1945)
Barrow & Rastrick Band
Hanwell Silver Band
Munn & Felton's Works Band
North Seaton Workmen's Prize Band
Parc & Dare Workmen's band
Parkhead Forge Silver Band
Daily Herald Area Championship Bands 1946
Dr Malcolm Sargent
Eileen Joyce
Gwen Catley
Harry Mortimer
Grand Festival Concert
Royal Albert hall 19th October 1946
Announcer Frank Phillips
From the Programme
"Brass bands today are a living force, and their cultural value is of the utmost importance. They render a priceless service to the community from which they spring and which they serve. long may they flourish to bring delight and inspiration to the people of Britain "
Daily Herald Winners 1946
1 Brighouse & Rastrick
2 Fairey Aviation
3 Munn & Felton's
4 Hanwell
Fairey Aviation Brass Band
(winners 1945)
Barrow & Rastrick Band
Hanwell Silver Band
Munn & Felton's Works Band
North Seaton Workmen's Prize Band
Parc & Dare Workmen's band
Parkhead Forge Silver Band
Daily Herald Area Championship Bands 1946
Dr Malcolm Sargent
Eileen Joyce
Gwen Catley
Harry Mortimer
Grand Festival Concert
Royal Albert hall 19th October 1946
Announcer Frank Phillips
From the Programme
"Brass bands today are a living force, and their cultural value is of the utmost importance. They render a priceless service to the community from which they spring and which they serve. long may they flourish to bring delight and inspiration to the people of Britain "
Daily Herald Winners 1946
1 Brighouse & Rastrick
2 Fairey Aviation
3 Munn & Felton's
4 Hanwell
Friday, February 21, 2014
Labour Party Housing Leaflet 1923
Labour Party Housing leaflet 1923
will provide
There is a shortage of 800,000 houses
The Tories will not and cannot give you the houses you need because they rely on "private enterprise"
which means that if you want a house now you must pay extortionate rents.
Labour aims at providing everybody with good houses at a reasonable rents.
Labour stands for the Abolition of all slums; for town planning; for labour saving houses for the housewife; for healthy, open air surroundings; for reasonable rents
Labour stands four square against Tory policy pf "Hutches for heroes", against unhealthy streets and towns; against profiteering in rents
Why does the Tory Government shirk that duty ?
Because it is in the power of the landlords and their friends - people who want to line their own pockets at the expense of the workers
Council Housing,
Labour and Housing,
Bradford "Locarno" Dance Hall - Colour Bar 1961 -1962
Daily Worker Report
Bradford's colour bar ballroom, the mecca owned Locarno, will be the scene of a mass protest picket on Saturday night ( 11th November 1961) by young trade unionists and students.
Protests by local clergymen and councillors have failed to get the management to withdraw its ban on coloured men not accompanied by a partner from entering the dance hall.
Mr Alan Boyce, the ballroom manager has confirmed that the ruling applied only to coloured people and power to drop it was at his discretion.
Boyce also stated that he was only concerned with "protecting our womenfolk"
Leeds University students representating Labour, communist, liberal, baptist Methodist and African societies are supporting the picket, which starts at 7:30pm. Leeds participants are urged to catch the 6.36 pm Bradford train from Central station
12th November 500 strong picket by students, trade unionists, Labour party, socialists and Young Communists of the Locarno with posters stating "Beat racialism now" and "Outlaw the colour bar"
According to the Daily Worker the local Pakistani community joined the picket to express support. Mr M. Hussain a clerk in a textile mill said "unless the colour bar is stopped here it will spread"
Daily worker 8 November 1961
The Musicians Union stated 17th November 1961 that the policy of Mecca owned Locarno was "one of which Dr Verwoerd (South Africa apartheid President) and the late Adolf Hitler would be proud"
Bradford Trades Council Secretary Councillor Jim Backhouse stated " We are calling upon the ballroom management to treat all its clients alike"
In reply to the local Students Union Mr C. L. Heimann of Mecca stated "nature has made us different"
Students voted 230 - 4 to reaffirm their opposition to racial discrimination and condemning the Mecca colour bar
Bradford and Leeds Students (Leeds University Anti Racialist Committee) were at the forefront of the campaign against the Colour bar.
A planned student march in Bradford against the Colour bar was banned by the Police Chief Constable as was demonstrations close to the Locarno. The Police also issued an order restricting city centre processions to 20 people. Students were threatened by the police with £50 fines or three months in prison if their was a breach in the order by Police Supt P E Keep.
Keith Jones Press Secretary of Students Anti Racialist Committee " This is a complete infringement of our democratic right to demonstrate against the evils of the colour bar"
The first meeting of West Riding Co-ordinating Committee against racial discrimination was held on 22nd November 1961 at 40 St Paul's Road, Bradford
Notes UPDATED 2014
A demonstration of over 150 took place on Saturday 25th November 1961 in Bradford City Centre (instead of only 20 demonstrators demanded by Police Chief Constable Harry Ambler.)
15,000 "NO DISCRIMINATION" leaflets were handed out.
Leeds Student Union played a key role Keith Jones leader of the student group (Students Anti Racialist Committee) stated Our slogan "One race - The human race".
Mr M. Hussein of the Pakistan Peoples association was also a speaker at the rally "If we are not allowed to mix with you, how will we ever get to understand one another" and Bill Moore of the Communist Party stated the restrictions demanded by the Chief Constable were not only a menace to those fighting racialism but were aimed at all people seeking to express progressive opinions
On the 13th January 1962 The Musicians Union introduced a boycott and "Blacked" the Locarno. This was key to the final victory
By the 30th January 1962 the Colour Bar at Bradford's Locarno had been reversed.
The "Mecca" Locarno at Bradford had been built in 1960 on Manningham Lane, Bradford. Built at a cost £500,000 to build opened September 1961 and held 2,500 dancers.
Manchester Colour Bar 1949
Colour bar workless.
Prejudice keeps them idle
3,000 coloured people in Manchester on being kept idle by a colour bar imposed by certain employers
Hurt and bewildered by it all yesterday was Mr O.A.Thomas a West African
As I was speaking to him, he pours took out his passport and read out cynically
In the name of his Majesty or those whom it may concern to allow the bearer to pass freely without let or hindrance and to afford him every assistance and protection
He snapped a shot told me that the statement was "false and incorrect"
Really suffering
Four months ago, has applied for a job as assistant stoker at the Barton Power House where the resident engineer promised to check with the police or the general conduct.
A fortnight ago, without hearing from the engineer, he took up for references which included two from his MP and the Chief Constable of Manchester.
After numerous diversions he was informed that management would not appreciate his presence on the job but a labouring job might be found with an outside gang
Mr Thomas who came to England in 1936 and served in the merchant Navy during the war told me " Manchester's coloured people are really suffering as a result of this stupid colour bar
Daily worker Saturday 9th of April 1949
Colour Bar,
Musicians Union,
National "Coalition" Government 1932 demands workers take pay cuts
National Government "Economy Drive" 1932
Boss on the workers back and Ramsay MacDonald as a stable boy carrying out the orders of the bosses
Ramsay MacDonald had split from Labour in 1931 and established a National Government with Conservative Party support until 1935
Daily Worker cartoon by Bejay 1932
People's March for Jobs 1981 - Jack Charlton (Sheffield Wednesday FC)

Jack Charlton showing his support (and Sheffield Wednesday FC) for the TUC 1981 People's March for Jobs.
During this period a number of football clubs (mainly in the North) introduced unemployed or unwaged concessionary admission. A number of non league clubs still continue to offer unwaged concessionary admission to games
Peoples March For Jobs 1981,
Labour and Clarion Swimming Club History
National Clarion Swimming Club
has been written about the Clarion Movement's cycling clubs, rambling
clubs and choir's, but very little on it's other clubs including the
National Clarion Swimming Club which was established in 1905.
is a picture of 1908 Clarion swimming Champions (believe it is
Blackburn ?) and Bradford Clarion Swimming Club women lifesavers (now
lifeguards) dated 1907, (note the Clarion logo on the swimsuit) .
would have been a very rare experience for working class people at the
turn of the last century, especially women and as a consequences local
newspapers frequently record the tragic stories of young working class
children drowning in rivers and canals.
other picture is of a silver national Clarion Swimming Club medal
awarded in 1908 (which is now in the People's History Museum).
was the founding City of the Independent Labour Party and many early
municipal enterprises such as free school meals were pioneered in
Wapping Road School, built in 1877, was a ‘Board School’ under Bradford's very own W.E. Forster's Education Act of 1870.
than a century ago, the school created national and international
headlines with the help of education Clarion and ILP supporters
campaigners Margaret and Rachel McMillan and their push to improve the
health and education of working class.
influence helped bring the country’s first school swimming pool to
Wapping Road school and nearby Green Lane School in 1899.
see also Bradford Cinderella Club.
Newcastle - upon- Tyne and London had Clarion Swimming Clubs as early as 1896 and Oldham, Liverpool and Bradford led the way in the North of England. Aberdeen and Glasgow Clarion Swimming Clubs were the first to be formed in Scotland.
By the early years of the last century there were enough Clarion Swimming Clubs to form a National Swimming Club in 1905, with its own silk woven badge to sew on swimming costumes.
A national Clarion Swimming Team went on to compete abroad in the 1920's as part of the International Sports movement.
At the Clarion Easter meet in York 1932 Clarion swimming events were held at St George's Baths where Levenshulme Clarion swimming Club beat Oldham Clarion Swimmimg Club for the team championship.
The Ladies breast stroke was won by Miss Elwood of York Clarion swimming Club with Miss Priestley, Leeds Clarion swimming Club second.
Ladies freestyle was won by Miss Priestley, with Miss Crowther of Halifax Clarion swimming Club second.
The Men's breast stroke was by Mr E. Johnson of Oldham Levenshume Clarion swimming Club, with Mr F. Johnson Oldham Clarion second. Gents free style was won by E Johnson with H. Hughill , Bradford Clarion swimmig Club second
A Mitcham Clarion Swimming Club (South London) is still in operation but it is unclear if it has a historical link.
Also Pendlebury Clarion Swimming Club circa February 1905
Also Pendlebury Clarion Swimming Club circa February 1905
Bermondsey Labour Party Swimming Club 1932 (top pictured) represented at the Vienna Workers Sport Olympiad
London Clarion Swimming Club
A New Venture
18th June 1937 from the Tribune
A new venture which should interest your readers in London, is the Clarion Swimming Club. This group now have well over a 100 members, who meet every .Wednesday at the Haggerston Swimming Baths.
They have the use of a clubroom which is attached to the bath, and here, from 8 to 10.15 p.m. comrades can dance, play ping-pong or darts, and amuse themselves in many other ways.
From 8.30 to 9.30 they, swim, and even have instructors to teach the unenlightened.
The whole evening costs only 6d., which compares very favourably with ordinary swimming, I understand that all comrades living reasonably near are invited to go along on a Wednesday evening to try it—if they cannot swim, the clubroom is at their disposal.
Stoke Newington. Sam Roth.
Clarion Cup Team winners 1898 - S. Weeks
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