A site dedicated to the history of the "Progressive" working people of Hayes - A Peoples History Hayes Peoples History
Monday, June 16, 2008
Hayes Co-Operative Guild 1925 Meeting at St Anselms Church room, Hayes
Thursday afternoon (October 1925)
President Mrs Hamer, (or Mrs Harner)
Vice President Mrs Harding,
Treasurer Mrs Edwards,
Asst Secretary Mrs Shelden,
Mrs Ravening
Mrs Barney
Mrs Richards
Mrs Hollingum
Mrs Dawson
Women's Co-Operative Guild District Secretary Mrs Samuelson
Southall Women's Co-operative Guild dates from at least 1905
Co-operative store at 1 and 2 King Street, Southall
J. W Horsfall
Yiewsley & West Drayton Co-operative Society established in September 1893 had after a rather slow start stores in Yiewsley, Uxbridge, Hayes, Hayes End, Harefield, later merged into London Co-operative Society
Photo Bexley Women's Co-operative Guild (Northumberland Heath)