Saturday, May 28, 2016

Labour - NHS Day 1988

Labour Party NHS Day at Alexandra Palace 3rd July 1988


Park Royal (Acton) Vehicles Stewards Banner

Park Royal (Acton) Vehicles Shop Stewards Committee Banner
TUC Rally 21 February 1971 

Thursday, May 26, 2016

DATA West London Division 1971

Draughtsmen's and Allied Technicians' Association (DATA)  West London banner on the TUC march 21st February 1971 against the Industrial Relations Bill

formally The Association of Engineering and Shipbuilding Draughtsmen's (AESD), 

Later TASS, MSF,

NUR Rail Union Banners 1971 TUC "The Great March"

National Union of Railwaymen (NUR) now RMT banners on the TUC Industrial Relations Bill march "The Great March" 21 February 1971

National Union of Railwaymen banners
Glasgow National Union of Railwaymen
Euston National Union of Railwaymen
Earls Court National Union of Railwaymen
Paddington No2  National Union of Railwaymen
Chalk Farm National Union of Railwaymen


TUC United Against Racialism March

TUC United Against Racialism march circa 1978/79

(Note Barbara Castle, Harriet Harman, Tessa Jowell, Jo Richardson

photo John Strrock

South Wales Miners Pageant - May Day 1939

South Wales Miners Federation May Day 
Pageant of South Wales

Orgnised by the South Wales Miners Federation in association with the Labour Research Department

1st May 1939

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Atlas Lamps - 1924-1925 British Empire Exhibition - Wembley

GEC Atlas Lamps, 1924-1925  British Empire Exhibition - Wembley

Socialist Club of Shanghai - Jiang Kanghu

Jiang Kanghu
Jiang Kanghu2.jpg
Native name 江亢虎
Born July 18, 1883
Yiyang, Jiangxi, China
Died December 7, 1954 (aged 71)
Shanghai, China
Nationality Chinese
Jiang Kanghu (Chinese: 江亢虎; pinyin: Jiāng Kànghú; Wade–Giles: Chiang K'ang-hu; Hepburn: Kō Kōko), who preferred to be known in English as Kiang Kang-hu, (July 18, 1883 – December 7, 1954)

 Socialistic Confucian

It was also the beginning of the Socialist movement. On July 10, 1911, I organized a Socialist Club in Shanghai, and on the same day the Socialist Star, the first Socialist paper in China, made its appearance.

This Socialist Club of Shanghai was originally organized more to sturdy Socialism than to propagate it. About fifty men and women were members of the group, and earnestly they studied the Socialist classics.

But meanwhile, the First Revolution had started in the South, at Hankow. On November 3, 1911, Shanghai fell into the hands of the revolutionists. Then the club changed its name to the Socialist Party of China, and organizers were sent out into the Southern provinces, where many new branches were organized: 

The Socialist Star became a,daily, and had a wide circulation. The party membership increased with enormous rapidity. The Shi Hui Tong, or Socialist Party, was the first political party as such in China. On November 5, 1911, it met in its first annual convention at Shanghai and adopted a platform.

The Daily Socialist Star, the Weekly Socialist Bulletin, and the Monthly Offcial Bulletin. Among the pamphlets and leaflets which were printed at this plant and sent out in great quantities, one of the most popular was * The Communist Manifesto.' In addition, many branches printed their own local papers, and at one time there were over 50 of these in existence. Then, too, there were between 10 and 15 privately owned papers which supported the Socialist Party. The most important of the free public schools established by the party was situated at Nanking. This school had an attendance of over eight hundred. Free public kindergartens were also established by the party. 

A very curious part of the party organization was the Socialist Opera and Orchestra Company. The woman's organization had for its main work the furthering of the agitation for woman suffrage.

Labour Movement Martyr's

The Socialist September 1914
Socialist Labour Party

"The men who to-day are asking you to fight are responsible for killing many workers by turning the military on them when on strike"

"Is it possible that the workers have forgotten Dublin, Liverpool, Grimsby, Hull, Featherstone etc ?"


The Socialist
September 1914


Its a great shame to date an attempt has not been made to collate the names "Labour Movement Marty's" of those that have died fighting in the British Labour Movement for a better society

Cossor (Highbury) Strike 1949

In 1939 Young women at the Cossor radio factory in Highbury, North London went on strike for 2d an hour wage rise. 

Cossor's had switched to developing radar during the war but had reverted to manufacturing radio sets after the War.

At that time, the company was based in Cossor House which was renamed Ladbroke House. It later formed part of the London Metropolitan University.

Middlesex Civil Defence ARP - Wembley 1942

Middlesex Civil Defence - Wembley Stadium 18th October 1942 

"March Past" 
Hurbert Morrison and Eileen Wilkinson MP