Saturday, March 15, 2014

Workers Travel Association

The Workers Travel association was established in 1921 by Trade unions and the Co-operative Movement to offer organised, affordable overseas travel to working class people


Arthur Creech Jones
(15 May 1891 – 23 October 1964)

Jones helped establish the WTA, In 1913, Jones helped to found the Camberwell Trades and Labour Council, and later became honorary Secretary of the Dulwich branch of the Independent Labour Party. Jones was involved with the ILP London wide after the outbreak of war; he had become a pacifist and organised anti- conscription meetings when conscription was introduced in 1916.

Heathrow Air Traffic Control

Chris Rogers CPSA rep at Air Traffic Control (Heathrow) and Mark Serwotka CPSA (now PCS) and GMB General Secretary John Edmonds

Miners Strike - Hayes Middx - Kent NUM

Les Sweeting was the key Kent NUM liason person for picketing aWest Drayton coal yard

Heart of the matter - Kent Miners TV programme

Daily Herald Brass Band Championship 1946


Fairey Aviation Brass Band
(winners 1945)
Barrow & Rastrick Band
Hanwell Silver Band
Munn & Felton's Works Band
North Seaton Workmen's Prize Band
Parc & Dare Workmen's band
Parkhead Forge Silver Band

Daily Herald Area Championship Bands 1946

Dr Malcolm Sargent


Eileen Joyce
Gwen Catley
Harry Mortimer

Grand Festival Concert
Royal Albert hall 19th October 1946

Announcer Frank Phillips

From the Programme

"Brass bands today are a living force, and their cultural value is of the utmost importance. They render a priceless service to the community from which they spring and which they serve. long may they flourish to bring delight and inspiration to the people of Britain "

Daily Herald Winners 1946

1 Brighouse & Rastrick
2 Fairey Aviation
3 Munn & Felton's
4 Hanwell